How to draw cars easy, step by step.
If you really do want to learn how to draw cars easy, step by step, then this page will give you the details, all of them, professionals use these methods all the time but they just forget to tell you. Don’t waste your money buying down loadable books that are far too expensive because all you get is a pile of electronic information and they still don't tell you how they really do it.
The aim of this guide is to enable anyone wanting to know how to draw cars to do it without having to become a mathematical genius or expert draftsperson in the shortest amount of time possible, easily and accurately.
Following these guidelines will also give you the basics to progress your drawingskills and ability faster than any other system I know.
This guide will also help you to develop those same drawing skills into any area you wish not just drawing cars.
Line drawing in pen and ink
Source: Corvette Stingray Supercar
How to draw cars easy, concept car GT500 Ford Mustang made using a graphite pencil drawing and the photo editing software.
Source: ConceptGT500
Austin Healey 3000 Mk III, Drawing With technical drawing pen fine line 0.5, marker pens, Green Grey, Blue Grey 1-7 and black.
Source: Austin Healey 3000 Mk III
1967 Austin Healey 3000 Mk III, charcoal pencil drawing.

Source: 1967 Austin Healey 3000 Mk III
You can draw cars easy and accurately every time, getting positive results using simple but effective methods of drawing to get you started with your best foot forward, you can get started without having to go through the tuff love method of learning. All drawing is about seeing and the methods on this page will teach you how to see without the struggling to do too many tasks at the same time because lets be fair it can be hard enough anyway even with these simple methods I am going to show you.
Drawing cars is not an easy task that can be even more difficult if you are not sure what you are doing or what you are supposed to be doing so I am going to give you the building blocks you need to get started and put you on a good solid foundation for your future drawing projects. Cars are difficult to draw because they are liner, when designers do the drawings for cars they use very sophisticated design software on computers because every aspect needs to be exact.
Even before the advent of computer technology cars were drawn by people known as draftspeople who produced a type of drawing known as a technical drawing. In these types of drawings every aspect of the drawing is created though measurement and calculation. Technical drawing is as much about mathematics as it is about drawing in fact it is more about mathematics than it is about drawing that’s why I never had much of an interest in it as a budding artist. How wrong was I because later on in life I realized all drawing is technical but that is another story for another day?
In order to make the task of drawing cars accessible to anyone without having to be a draftsperson or serious mathematician I am going to do this the easy way?
First let me tell you why I think I am qualified to give you this information.
I have been drawing for over 40 years and to a high standard for at least 30 years, I have academic qualifications in art and design, diplomas and degrees, I also have a qualification in teaching higher and further education as well as 14 years experience in working with groups as an educator and enabler. I have completed much work as an artist in the community where I live and sold most of my work in the process. Further to this I am very disappointed at the poor information people are passing off as valuable, just so they can squeeze a few pennies out of others, my information is good, reliable, practical and free, please enjoy.
The simplest easiest way to draw cars is to trace them.
The shock and horror of it, tracing is considered cheating by everyone except those who use it and the truth is all professional artists use it, if they say they don’t they are either mistaken or liars.
The benefits of tracing far out weigh the disadvantages that’s why professionals use it and also the reason why you can’t use it because lets be fair we can all trace pictures. It really doesn’t compare with wasting two or three hours of your time on constructing a drawing does it?
Surely it is better to waste a few weeks doing something the hard way than it is to only spend a day doing it by taking advantage of the tools developed to help and enable you to be more productive at a higher standard.
That is why designers do the drawings for cars using very sophisticated design software on computers because every aspect needs to be exact and they can do it in an instant by comparison because the software does it for them.
So who’s cheating?
I found some web sites where you can get some pictures of cars for tracing and more information by following the links at the end of this article plus a description on how to find great cars to draw.
Take a picture of the car you want to draw from a magazine, brochure, book, photograph or off the internet and you can enlarge it on your computer to the size you want or make it smaller depending on your requirements. This can also be done with a photocopy machine as well because they will also zoom in or out to increase or decrease the size of the image you want to transform for drawing.
Finding great car to draw easy.
If you go to a Google search page and look in the top left hand corner of the page you will see the word images, it is usually the second word along after web. Click on the word images and the think of a car you would like to draw, if you then write that into the search box on the page and press search it will produce an images search for the car you entered. You will be presented with hundreds of images of the car you would like to draw, more cars than you could probably draw in a year even with these simple methods I am going to show you. Please watch all the videos presented on this page as it is always good to watch others draw because it helps you to understand how it is done better yourself.
The Classic VW Beetle drawn with Graphite pencil 3B, 5B.
Honda Civic Five Door 2009 drawn with graphite pencil that has given me an idea that car emblems are interesting and reflect the times.
Drawing cars, a Mustang Shelby GT 500 drawing with marker pens and pencil.
- Drawing cars, Mustang Shelby GT500 with marker pens and pencil.
The Mustang Shelby car drawing tips, tools and information, free information, instruction on drawing cars.
Everything you need to hand.
For this example I am going to use a photograph of a Vauxhall Victor which is now a classic car because it is old. They don't make them anymore which is probably why it has some appeal to me plus I remember them as a child being something of awe.
I have printed the picture out onto A4 paper in gray scale so I can see the tonal values of the image better and since I am doing a drawing I do not need color to produce the end result.
A classic car, the 1950's Vauxhall Victor the car I chose to draw.
A new Mazda Kazamai concept car gives us a look into the future.
Mazda concept car drawing in pencil and pen.
A pencil drawing that has been manipulated with photo editing software for presentation.
Better Looking By Far.
I didn’t realise that many of those viewing this page don’t realise that this image is composed of my own original drawings made using the methods laid out for you to follow easy step by step.
Lets get on with it.
These are the materials I am going to use to create my drawing.
A3 spiral bound drawing pad of fairly decent quality cartridge paper, this is twice as big as the picture I am going to draw because I always feel that I can crop a picture smaller but I can't ever make it bigger once it is completed. If I draw it onto a bigger piece of paper then I can if I want to add other images to it and form a composition because I have given myself the space around the drawing to be able to do that.
The other tools are a soft black pencil known as a 2B pencil the one I always use for drafting is a 0.5 technical drawing pencil that has very thin fine graphite sticks inserted inside it that feed out of the end when you press the button on the top. I use this pencil because it is always sharp and can produce a very fine line without scouring the paper caused by pressing too hard if you do press too hard it brakes the graphite stick because it is very soft. I also use traditional 4B and 6B pencils because you can create very dark tones almost black with them and Very light tones by softly stroking the paper with them, practice a little with these pencils and you will realize what I mean.
I also use graphite sticks that are large pieces of graphite that can be used to cover large areas of paper with little effort.
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